The First Tornados Baseball Team

Back in the Summer of '03 a group of parents
listened to their children's plea to play more baseball.
These brave pioneers forged ahead with but a
single bag of spongy safe-T-baseballs,
a set of bases, a couple of bats and a dream...
And access to a screen printing company.
Now, years later the team once known as
"the Niblets" (for about seventeen minutes
before a bunch of Moms decided it wasn't
"cool" - as if they know "cool” - pffftt - and
switched it on jerseys with yellow
letters - NIBLETS...crimony, that would've
been cute) has become one of the
Crown Jewels of the Twin Cities.
"...note: any similarity in this post
to Ken Burns is completely unintended
and purely coincidental."
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